Daniel with book summary versebyverse bible commentary. The details are described on this page and show how daniels. It is important to note that in daniel 12, as the prophecy concludes, gd gives daniel some important instruction in regard to calculating the time of the events mentioned. First of all, after the introductory verse of daniel 9.
Weeks not of days, but of years, or, seventy times seven years, that is, four hundred and ninety years, each day being accounted a year according to the prophetic way of reckoning, see note on daniel 7. Take your bible, will you please, and follow it as we study tonight in the ninth chapter of daniel. This morning we come to one of the most crucial prophetic passages in scripture for it concerns both events that are still in the future for us and is confirmed by the events predicted that have already taken place. Evaluation of the four major interpretations of the 490. This verse is really the keystone around which unfulfilled prophecies in. In the consideration of the whole passage daniel 9.
In the first year of darius son of xerxes a mede by descent, who was made ruler over the babylonian kingdom in the first year of his reign, i, daniel, understood from the scriptures, according to the word of the lord given to jeremiah the proph. This scroll was sealed at the end of the book of daniel and opened at the time of the end. Recall that daniel wrote this chapter as a jewish exile in babylon. Daniel knows that the seventy years is coming to an end soon since it is 539 b. Below are some preliminary questions to assist in the study of this passage. At the beginning of thy supplications the commandment came forth, and i am come to shew thee. For more information relevant to this passage of daniel nine, see the accompanying appendix pdf download that deals with the following topic. This statement applies to daniel in general also, for no book in the bible says. Daniel the prophet receives an intriguing prophecy from the archangel gabriel in this passage, known as the seventy weeks prophecy, for gabriel gives a seventyweek time frame for the coming of the messiah. He was then cutoff crucified that same week verse 26 and the city of jerusalem and the temple were destroyed in a. A realized eschatological view and commentary of daniel 9.
Recently, i had an interesting conversation with a professor who teaches at a conservative christian college. In this chapter of daniel, we have what is known as the interrupted prayer. One of the great, exciting, prophetic portions of the word of god, daniel chapter. From the time the word goes out to restore and rebuild. He wanted to straighten me out about the interpretation of daniel, chapter 9, verses 24 27the portion of scripture that contains the prophecy of the seventy weeksthat i expound in my books daniel unsealed and he is the one. The first two chapters of john, then, associate jesus with the tabernacle and temple. The sanctuary in jerusalem had been a place where all the believers in the world had looked to. We are also told in verse 25 that the rebuilding of jerusalem would be done in. And he informed me, and talked with me, and said, o daniel, i am now come forth to give thee skill and understanding. Earlier in chapter 9, daniel had prayed, asking god for forgiveness of israels sins.
Daniel is praying in the first nineteen verses of this chapter, but then the angel gabriel appears and interrupts his prayer. Daniel 9 new international version niv daniels prayer. And he gd said to you, o daniel, for closed and sealed are these things unto the time of the end. Daniel 9 in chapter 2 of daniel, we were introduced to gods plan to place israel under gentile authority for an age o prior to the start of that age, prior to the conquest of nebuchadnezzar, israel was the chief nation on earth under david and later solomon, the nation of israel rose to the peak of its power. The only thing that was not interpreted for him was chapter 8. On the other hand, it is remarkable that in leviticus 25. Many of you are frequently asked why you believe the bible to be the word of. Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people, and upon thy holy cityor, concerning thy people, and concerning thy holy city f19. This passage is therefore one of the strongest evidences to prove the divine inspiration of the bible. In the concluding four verses of daniel 9, one of the most important. I am totally confused by all the different interpretations of this passage. This explains why at the beginning of chapter 9 daniel contemplated the number of years to the destruction of jerusalem and not to the subjugation, as it says, i daniel contemplated the calculations, the number of years about that which the word of god came to the prophet jeremiah, to complete the 70 years to the destruction.
Then he wrote down the dream and told the sum of the matter. The same calculation is used in the book of revelation where a time, and. Message given sunday, june 30, 2019 by pastor josh black at calvary chapel canyon hills in lake elsinore, ca. Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the. Daniel wrote chapter 9 about 538 bc and had lived long enough to have. Verses 2627 show that all six of verse 24s elements will be accomplished. Daniel 9, new international version niv the bible app. The context of this passage is where daniel considers the prophecy in jeremiah jeremiah 25. With that context established, we are ready for daniel 9. The last 7 years before the return of jesus christ is perhaps best encapsulated in daniel 9. Great difficulty is experienced in discovering what sort of weeks is intended. According to this verse, on the tenth and final year of jubilee, god would. Book of daniel bible study chapter commentary 9 part 2 daniels 70 weeks.
Grasp the meaning of the word, understand the vision. Take yeshua out, and these verses become completely obscure and unintelligible. The ninth chapter of daniel centers clearly upon the person of jesus christ and is one of the few places in scripture where god ties himself to a definite timetable of events. In this chapter gabriel tells him about a period of 490 years concerning the messiah, the jewish nation, and the temple. Four times in the chapter verses 5, 8, 11, 15, daniel acknowledges the peoples sin. An immediate answer sent him by an angel to his prayer, in which, 1.
Book of daniel chapter 9 bible study daniels 70 weeks part 2. In the first year of darius the son of ahasuerus, of the lineage of the medes, who was made king over the realm of the chaldeans. He divides the first sixtynine weeks into two periods, the first of seven weeks and the second of sixtytwo weeks. It may refer to just those found in the book of daniel, or it could refer to all the. It is the only old testament passage which refers to the messiah as messiah. Jews for judaism daniel 9 a true biblical interpretation. Daniel s prayer for the restoration of the jews who were in captivity, in which he confesses sin, and acknowledges the justice of god in their calamities, but pleads gods promises of mercy which he had yet in store for them. After 70 weeks that is periods of each seven years year weeks, compare with leviticus 25.
Whilst reading the ninth chapter of the book of daniel, his eye caught the. For a comprehensive study of the passage, download the study guide pdf download. Daniel 9 niv bible in the first year of darius son of. We saw in the last study that daniel had been reading the prophecies of jeremiah when he saw that israel would be in exile for 70 years. Now let us return and discuss verse 26 of daniel chapter 9.
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